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In case anyone was wondering what the olive harvest looks like in Levanto and the Cinque Terre, here it is: lots of rain, lots of wind, lots of shaking of branches, and a whole lot of olives!
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In case anyone was wondering what the olive harvest looks like in Levanto and the Cinque Terre, here it is: lots of rain, lots of wind, lots of shaking of branches, and a whole lot of olives!
Despite its zen-sounding name, SenSuoSa is a more down-to-earth event happening tomorrow June 21st in Levanto, though not one without its spiritual […]
Despite the fact that it feels a bit like Don Quixote charging windmills, we always try to convince people that there areĀ other […]
We were out on a traditional fishing boat recently checking out a fabulous tour of the Cinque Terre, when we got to […]
When we moved into our current house, our landlady told us that among the wild critters running around, there were badgers in […]